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Trades Support

Please find answers to the most common questions below.

The Id verification process

How should i verify my id and whats needed to do so?

When registering at HireTrades.UK and opting in for either a free 45 day trial or paid annual membership we ask you to create an application form with all your details which will ask you for proof of identification and can be any government issued photo ID document (e.g. a photo copy of your passport, drivers licence etc) in jpeg or png format. This needs to be accompanied with a profile photo of your face clearly visible within the frame.


We will aim to authenticate and verify your documents you've submitted to us within a 48hr timeframe, once verified you will receive a confirmation email, if however we’re unable to verify your ID we will specify the reason via email asking you to resend us a new copy.


Why do i need to verify my Identity?

We ask you for ID as it’s a way of vetting a tradesperson and ensuring they are who they say they are, this will cut out rogue traders who are unauthentic and potential fraudsters. 

Are my ID documents kept safe after uploading them?

Short answer yes they are. we have a level of protection in place which safe gaurds sensitive information on our servers, once private documentation has been submitted and verified by us they are then permanently deleted from our servers and never stored by us.

I can't find the info i'm looking for? then contact us

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