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Homeowner Support

Please find answers to the most common questions below.

Leaving a review

How does the review system work?

Feedback puts trust into all of our members and community, it's primarily the heart and soul of HireTrades Tradespeople depend on good positive reviews to build up their online reputation to source more work through HireTades.UK.


Submitting any neutral or negative reviews, (if proven to be accurate) also holds them accountable if the job wasn't completed to a satisfactory level outcome.


Any repeat offenders will not be tolerated and removed from our directory.


How can i leave a review?

Once you are happy the job is complete, just head back over to our website, click the search by company name then from there you can navigate over to their company profile to leave a review.

Can i hide my identity when leaving feedback?

No, you can't submit any reviews anonymously, we ask for your name and a few other credentials which will help us identify who's left feedback.

Can i edit or remove my review once it' been submitted?

If you feel the need to either edit or remove your recent review then this would need to be done on our end by contacting us.


Please note this has to be done within 1 year from the original review being left.

Why did my review get removed?

Our service aims to keep the system fair and accurate in the best possible way. if we deem a review to be suspicious or fake in nature, we take the necessary steps to remove the content from our site. 

I can't find the info i'm looking for? then contact us

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